Brain injuries can result from many kinds of accidents. You could be going about your day one minute, and in the next moment, you’ve been in a car accident or slipped and fallen on unsafe ground and hit your head.
We’ve probably all had accidents here and there, but when you get seriously hurt due to someone else’s negligence, that’s where a Scranton personal injury attorney from the Moran Law Group wants to help.
Brain injuries can change your life, sometimes permanently. But a brain injury lawyer, can help make things financially right for you again.
What Are Brain Injuries?
First, let’s discuss what brain injuries actually are. They are often referred to as traumatic brain injuries or TBIs. Despite their name, there are three levels of TBIs: mild, moderate, and severe.
TBIs occur when the brain suffers from any kind of forceful blow or sudden jolt. These strikes can bruise the brain and cause it to bleed, conditions that can significantly affect a person’s mental or physical abilities.
Doctors diagnose TBIs in several ways. That’s because these injuries can present numerous symptoms that run the gamut from mild to intense. For instance, one person with a brain injury could exhibit nothing more than dizziness and a headache. Another person might have short-term amnesia and confusion and long-term mood changes such as irritability or depression.
What Can Cause Brain Injuries?
A whole host of factors can cause someone to sustain a TBI. The most common causes of brain injuries include:
- Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents
- Slip-and-fall accidents
- Sports injuries
- Medical malpractice
In some of these cases, the TBI can be caused by a party that an injury law firm would consider liable. That means they acted negligently and caused your brain injury as a result.
When people act negligently, they take actions that more responsible people in their position would not take. For instance, responsible drivers do not drink alcohol before getting behind the wheel.
Whatever the case, if someone else can be proven liable for your injury, then you as the victim have the right to seek damages from that party. Any medical bills, lost wages, or other expenses you incur while recovering should not be your responsibility. The sooner you act, the sooner we can start building a winning personal injury case meant to get you back to normal.
Call a Moran Law Group Brain Injury Lawyer in Scranton, PA Today!
When you need a Scranton law firm that is willing to put in the work to fight for your right to compensation, call the Moran Law Group.
If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury and sustained significant medical bills or lost wages, let us defend you to those who are liable. Your health and financial well-being are at stake here, and you can’t afford not to act.
We’ll be right there to back you up. Call us today to schedule your free consultation.