Abuse can be extremely difficult to discuss and can significantly affect victims and their loved ones’ lives. Unfortunately, crimes and abuse can happen to anyone. The people who commit these acts are often people we expect to trust, such as caretakers for children or the elderly, church members, parents, and spouses. When abuse occurs, the victim might not realize they can do anything to get help. No matter what crime or abuse a victim experiences, the physical and emotional effects can last a lifetime and are often challenging to overcome.
If you or a loved one were the victims of a criminal act or abuse, you might not know where to turn to for help. In situations like this, seeking help and talking about your situation may be challenging to do, which is why you need to work with a team you can trust.
At The Moran Law Group, abuse victims can work with an experienced crime victim attorney, who is here to provide legal help that is desperately needed to receive justice.
Common Examples of Abuse
Physical abuse may often be what many people think of when they think of abuse. However, abuse goes far beyond physical wounds, as physically and emotionally painful as these may be. Abuse can also be verbal, sexual, psychological, and even financial. Anyone can commit an act of abuse against another person, but in many instances, a person in a position of power is abusive towards a more vulnerable person. Many forms of abuse aren’t visible, so they can go unnoticed by others and can be difficult to prove.
Here are common examples of abuse that we handle at The Moran Law Group.
Nursing Home Abuse
Seniors in nursing homes are some of the most common victims of abuse. Nursing home residents may suffer physical abuse, such as assault, or improper use of drugs and restraints, from their caretakers. Emotional, sexual, and financial abuse also occurs in nursing homes. Negligence such as falls and bedsores can also affect seniors in nursing homes. A nursing home abuse lawyer can help if your loved one was abused in a nursing home.
Assault and Battery
Assault and battery involves an act of physical violence but can also include threats of violence. There are many instances when assault and battery can occur. In these cases, a victim could have suffered from an act of violence intentionally committed by another person or received a threat that reasonably made them believe they were in danger.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse occurs in intimate partnerships and between partners who live together. One partner abuses the other to have control over the relationship. This can include physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and more types of abuse. Domestic abuse is extremely common, and many who suffer from this type of abuse don’t realize they’re being abused.
Financial Abuse
Using finances against a person is also a common abuse tactic. By taking control over a person’s financial situation, they can easily take control over the person, since without money, they have little power and independence. An abuser may prevent a victim from getting a job so that they have no income. Financial abuse can also occur if a person earns their own money, but an abuser doesn’t allow them to control their bank accounts.
Neglect often occurs to those who are the most vulnerable, like children, people with disabilities, and senior citizens. This can happen when someone who depends on someone to care for them doesn’t have basic needs met. Some examples of neglect include failing to provide food, medical treatment, or safe living conditions for a dependent.
Child Abuse
Like seniors, children are common abuse victims, including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse. People meant to care for children, such as parents, teachers, and coaches can commit child abuse. As children depend on the adults in their lives to care for them, negligence like poor hygiene and unsafe housing can sometimes also count as child abuse.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is the type of abuse that people may think of first when they think of abuse. There are many examples of this type of abuse, but they all involve using physical force against someone. This can include actions like kicking, slapping, shoving, and using physical restraint. Physical abuse can also include things like throwing objects at someone or using weapons against them.
Mental and Emotional Abuse
Mental and emotional abuse may seem like they could be the same thing, and they often use similar tactics, but there are some slight differences. Mental abuse can lead to an abuser completely changing the way the victim thinks. This can include things like convincing the victim that certain events never actually occurred. Emotional abuse often involves actions like name-calling, criticism, and humiliation.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse, such as rape, is extremely traumatic and heavily stigmatized. Sexual abuse may seem like a type of physical abuse, but this can include non-physical types of abuse, such as threats or harassment. Statutory rape is also a form of sexual abuse.
Since the type of crime and abuse a victim may have faced can vary significantly, victims must work with lawyers who understand their unique cases. For example, a victim injured in an armed robbery is very different from a sexual assault victim. Both of these victims who suffer from a crime committed against them deserve justice and can be helped by a crime and abuse lawyer. At The Moran Law Group, we have the experience that can help victims of various types of abuse.
Dedicate Crime Victims & Abuse Lawyer in Scranton, PA
Suffering from abuse can leave a person feeling extremely vulnerable and alone. Dealing with the physical and emotional damages caused by abuse is extremely difficult, especially if someone attempts to do this on their own. Medical treatment may be needed if a person suffered physical abuse, and any abuse victim may need therapy to recover, but this may be something that never fully goes away. At The Moran Law Group, we understand how difficult this is to go through and will work hard to see that our clients receive the justice they deserve.
After suffering any type of abuse, an experienced and compassionate legal team can be a huge asset. Contact The Moran Law Group to speak with an abuse lawyer in Scranton, PA, today.
Let an Abuse Lawyer in Jermyn, PA, Help
Unfortunately, abuse is something that happens to many people every day. While abuse in many forms is common, it’s something that many struggle to talk about. Anyone can be the victim of abuse, and the abuser is often someone you should be able to trust or a person in a position of power, such as parents, spouses, or caretakers. It can be difficult for abuse victims to speak up about their situation and even harder to start taking steps to get justice. At The Moran Law Group, we know how difficult it can be for abuse victims to seek help and want them to feel safe working with us.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of abuse, an abuse lawyer in Jermyn, PA, can help. We can provide expert legal support that can help victims get the compensation and justice they deserve so they can focus on healing.
No one should be subjected to any type of abuse. However, since this is, unfortunately, a common occurrence, it’s important that abuse victims know that there is help available. At The Moran Law Group, we’re dedicated to helping abuse victims and ensuring that they have the support they need during this difficult time. We’ll work closely with you so that you know you have a legal team that you can rely on.
Contact The Moran Law Group today to learn more about working with a personal injury lawyer in Jermyn, PA, who specializes in helping abuse victims.
Get Help from a Carbondale Abuse Lawyer Today
Most of us expect to trust people in positions of power, but unfortunately, they can sometimes cause serious harm. In many cases, people suffer abuse from those who were supposed to protect them, such as parents and caretakers. Although many people suffer from abuse, this is something that many find difficult to talk about, and some might feel like they can’t share this information with others. Asking for help for yourself or a loved one after being abused is a huge step to take, but it’s essential to know that there are professionals available who will help and listen.
At The Moran Law Group, we help people who have suffered from abuse get compensation for the damages their abuser has caused for them. We’ll be here to support you with an abuse lawyer in Carbondale, PA, who’s experienced in handling these complex cases.
No one should have to suffer from abuse, but this is, unfortunately, a reality for many people, making the work of abuse lawyers extremely important. At The Moran Law Group, we provide the support that abuse victims desperately need. We know how difficult it is to get help after suffering from abuse and want you to know that we’ll provide dedicated legal assistance to help get you through it.
Contact us today to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Carbondale, PA, who specializes in helping crime and abuse victims.